Thursday 19 November 2015


"I only weigh 10 pounds more than I did in college",my friend Wale bragged to me the other night over drinks."And that's just beer weight",he laughed,patting his round belly.
I did not want to spoil the good mood,so I didn't tell Wale the truth:Having even a small beer belly like his makes you twice as likely to die of any cause as actually being obese.That was the recent finding of a study involving more than 15,000 adults ,which adults,which also discovered that people with round guts were more likely to have heart disease ,and more likely to have lost valuable muscle tissue,than those who had fat in other places.

Why is a big gut so deadly?When you can carry weight around your belly,you have a high percentage of what's known as Visceral fat,meaning it's right up there inside your abdomen,cudding next to your liver and other internal organs.Unlike the unsightly but mostly innocuous fat found in other parts of the body.Visceral  fat is a living ,toxin-spewing organism,one that climbs up into your lap and stays there ,causing diabetes,heart disease,liver failure and all sorts of other problems.

That's why fighting belly fat with Green World tummy fat product is important .If you are feeling stretched at the waist,there is nothing more important you can do for your health than to start losing your belly today.

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