Saturday 29 November 2014


Keep The Enemies @ Bay With Green World Immune Care Package

Green World Distributor Consultant in Nigeria. Green World specializes in Herbal and Natural supplement products.
For further enqiury/delivery details. Call: 07037533426, 08084260174



Green World Cardio Care Supplement.

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Tuesday 25 November 2014


The Kidney Care Package For Men and Women

Kidney Tonifying Supplement Capsule: The Kidney Care Package For Men and Women

Kidney is known as the “Minister of Power”,the kidney is regarded as the body most important resourviour  of essential energy. In the busy modern life, more and more people are suffering from : waist, neck, back, leg pain,insomnia, forgetfulness, loss of libido &poor sexual  performance…and many other physical symptoms, of which more than 90% is not a disease, but the “Kidney Weakness”.
Kidney Care for men
The original prenatal energy (Yuan Qi) which forms the basis of life is stored in the kidney, which is why the kidneys are also known as the “Root of Life”. In Chinese view, the kidney meridian also includes the adrenal glands that secrete a wide range of essential hormones regulation metabolism, excretion, immunity, sexual potency and fertility. Thus, the kidneys control sexual and reproductive functions and provide the body’s prime source  of sexual vitality, which the Chinese regard as a major  indicator of health and immunity.
Kidney Weakness:It is a chronic fatigue syndrome. Due to over use without overhauling, or regular use of irritant drugs , the accumulation of drugs on kidney leading to renal injury, renal atrophy, and make people premature aging, lack of energy.

Beneifts of Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Men)

Restoration of renal system, the recovery of renal filtration function
Repair renal system and restore its clean nature
Clean renal toxins accumulation.
Removing renal toxins accumulation
Improve the internal environment of the kidney,
Enhances sexual function for men
improves the internal environment in which the organs functions run in balance.

Benefits of Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Women)

Invogorates the kidney and improves the function of infiltration
Removes the toxins accumulated in the kidney
Improves sexual desire and quality of intercourse
Regulates ovaries to balance the female hormones.
Suitable for Men and Women
Males with compromised immunity
Males with impotence caused by weakened kidney functioning
females with irregular menstruation
Females during menopause
female with postmenopausal syndrome
female with chronic fatigue, arthritis and lumbago

Ingredient: Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Fructus lycii, Radix Ginseng, Comu Cervi Pantotrichum, Cortex Cinnamomi, Semen Euryales, Concha Ostreae, Flos Chrysanthemi.
Green World Distributor in Nigeria. The Kidney Care Package For Men and Women
For more info on Green World Products in Nigeria. Call 07037533426/08084260174.


 Blueberry Eye Care Softgel From Green World

Blueberry Eye Care Softgel from Green World takes its main ingredient from Blueberry extract. Blueberry extract is the most effective eye care substance which is of small molecule and easy to be absorbed by human body. Green world products are well known around the world for best practice and sound efficacy you can depend on.
Ingredients: Blueberry Anthocyanin, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Phytoxanthin

Characteristics and Benefits Blueberry Eye care softgel:

Provides the eyes with all the nutrients neede and improves blood circulation of the eyes;
Maintains health status of capillary blood vessels, relieves strain, pain and dryness of eyes;
Protects the lentis, prevents and improves the condition of eyes disorders such as the falling vision, senile glaucoma, cataract, presbyopia, hemorrihage of the retina, pseudomyopia, amblyopia, myopia, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa and night blindness etcImproves eyesight and increases visual acuity

Blueberry Eye Care Softgel
Blueberry Eye Care Softgel

Blueberry Eye Care softgel is suitable for:

People who work under adverse environment, i.e people work in IT industry, white collars who always use computer, drivers, people who work under bright or dim light, people who watching TV for long time.
People who need to prevent or improve eye disorders;
People, who need to protect their eyes, relive asthenopia and delay eye degeneration.
Blueberry hopes the promise for better health for all.
Other related Blueberry Brands are:
1. Blueberry Juice
2. Blueberry Supernutrition
3. Blueberry Anti-aging capsule

GREEN WORLD NIGERIA: Herbal Products And Supplements. (Health and Wellness)

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