Friday 24 October 2014


Green World Nutritional Diet Care For Diabetes People.

Green World Nutritional Diet Care For Diabetes People.
The glucose of certain concentration in the body is called blood sugar, which provides energy for our daily activity. The concentration of the glucose in the blood increases after taking food. The glucose enters the cell to participate in a series of biochemistry reaction and then provide energy for human activity under the action of insulin. When there is a shortage of insulin in the body, no effect of the insulin, or target tissues cells sensitivity to the insulin declines, the glucose can’t enter the cell normally to mobilise. This causes the abnormal increase of the glucose concentration and then, diabetes.
After the incidence of diabetes, a series of turbulence of sugar, protein, fat, water and electrolyte happen. A large amount of glucose is discharged through urine. At the same time, there are symptoms such as excessive drinking, urination and eating becoming thin, dizzy and tired. If not controlled severe acute and chronic complications throughout the body will be aroused. Chronic complications may happen to the eye, kidney, nerve, skin, blood vessel and heart. Finally, blindness, lower limbs gangrene uremia, brain stroke or cardiac infarction happens, which endangers human beings’ health seriously.

1.       Balsam Pear Tablet/Tea: this product produced with natural ingredients can lower high blood sugar level safely and steadily, improve pancreas function, relive diabetics complication. Keeping Balsam tablets in the mouth can relive the excessive thirst.
2.       Diasure Capsule (Glucoblock): It is a natural green health food, which helps reduce blood sugar, eliminate symptoms of diabetes, restore function of the insulin, and improve normal secretion of the insulin cell. Meanwhile, it is particularly effective on diabetes complications.
3.       Chitosan Capsule: Is called the sixth element of life. It can improve somnolence, relax the bowels, nourish the intestines, absorb heavy metal ion, remove the metabolism rubbish and oxygen toxin in the blood vessel, and restrain the absorption of glucose in the blood.
4.       Kuding Tea (Optional): Traditional Chinese green tea good for a complete whole health.
Effect of these provides will help reduce blood sugar stably, no rebound. It is a right assistant therapy for prevention and improvement of the diabetes. It doesn’t stimulate the stomach and intestine, which can be taken for a long term.
2347037533426, 2348084260174


Best and Quickest Weight Loss Supplement Product

Best and Quickest Weight Loss Supplement Product
Obesity is defined as a medical condition rather than a simple overweight problem because the excessive fat can lead to serious adverse effect on health. The reason why you need to maintain normal weight is your health rather than the appearance. Obesity increases the risk of many physical and mental diseases  like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood lipid , fatty liver, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, respiratory problems and significantly shortens the life span. Therefore, to achieve a healthy body weight and beautiful shape, the following tips must be take into notice.
4 Ways  To Get Result for Weight Loss Program.
1.    Take Green World Slimming Care Products. The products are made from the natural herbs to assist  the body in discharging excessive fats, which are not needed by the body in such away that the needed fat in the body are left for optimum health to the body. It is safe and reliable for those who want to lose weight.
2.    Diet Take healthy diet with more fresh vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Avoid frequenting the fast food chains. Keep junk food out of your house as well. If you really like stuff like pizza and burgers, indulge in them not more than once or twice a month.
3.    Drink Plenty of water- Drinking lots of water will help your body detoxifying all the impurities present in the system. Doctors recommend you to drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water a day. Remember, water cleanses and rejuvenates your skin as well.
4.    Take Regular Physical Exercise. – For the greatest overall health benefits, experts recommend that you do 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity three or more times a week and some type of muscle strengthening activity and stretching at least twice a week. However, if you are unable to do this level of activity, you can gain substantial health benefits by accumulating 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, at least five times a week.
Do you have a question? Send us your questions through the contact form to our customer representatives and relationship managers waiting to attend to you. Thanks RELATED POST
1.  Lose Belly & Tummy Fat With Slimming Tea

I Want To Loss Weight, Where Do I Start?

The foundation of every successful weight-loss program remains a healthy, calorie-controlled diet combined with exercise. For successful, long-term weight loss, you must make permanent changes in your lifestyle and health habits.
If you want to lose weight you have to start with your nutrition. Exercising is great but it is not enough. First cut back on sweets and totally get rid of your bad habits such as junk and fatty foods. Also increase intake of the water in your organism, but only water
Together with this running, cycling or even swimming are great way to reduce weight and get your body nice and firm.

Lose Belly & Tummy Fat With Slimming Tea
Losing weight can dramatically improve your emotional and physical health, but it can be a slow process. Steady approach is necessary.
Avoid soft drinks and especially sodas because they are full of sugar. Furthermore you should be eating three hours before you go to bed because if you are sleeping with full stomach your body is spending more energy to digest food and this makes you fatter.
Better for you than diet soda and fruit drinks if you are trying to lose weight quickly is to drink more water.Start your day with a glass of water and have a glass of water before each meal.
If you have been drinking 8 glasses of water a day then try drinking 10 glasses a day.  Water can help suppress your appetite and make you feel full faster.
Eliminating the really bad foods can help you shed that excess weight faster. These quick weight loss tips is all about cutting down on sugary foods, fatty foods and minimizing (or eliminating) fast foods. These simple, healthy changes can get your weight dropping quicker.
For many women, pregnancy causes permanent changes such as a softer belly, slightly wider hips, and a larger waistline. With this in mind, you might want to adjust your goals a bit.
Most dieting plans & programs (Low-Carbs Diet, slimming Diet, Weight Watchers Plan,) can help you reduce your weight but you would need to stick to them and obey the rules. Find a program that suits you or share the ones you had luck with!
                      +2347037533426, +2348084260174

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Brain care / Infertility / Menopause / Retard aging / Soy power plus

SOY POWER : Prevent The Decline of Ovary’s Function .
This product is rich in soybean isoflavone which plays a bidirectional role in regulating the female hormone. On one hand, it supply estrogens in need, on the other hand, when oestrogen level increases and cause hyperplasia, such as galactophore, hyperplasia, hysteromyoma; soybean isoflavone will form an obstacle to the estrogen’s target organ which prevents estrogen increment balancing the oestrogen level. This product will maintain youth and retard aging.
Through scientific clinical experiment, it is approved that soybean isoflavone can prevent and cure cardiovascular diseases, gaLactophore cancer, menopause heactic fecer, osteopororosis caused by menopause and makes women skin smooth, elastic and fair. Soybean isoflavone has a weak oestrogen activity but not a hormone.
It helps enrich the skin and reproductive system of women, improve speckles, it also help menstrual disorder, vagina dryness, insomnia, ovary maintenance, and alleviate menopausal syndromes. It can refresh women’s mood, enhance vigor, loose extra-weight, improve sleeping condition and enlarge the breast.
It regulates female hormones and very effective for increasing fertility in women.
GREEN WORLD  SOY POWER CAPSULE: Prevent The Decline of Ovary’s Function .
1.      Prevent the decline of Ovary’s function, retard aging
2.      Reduce the loss of bones, prevent osteoporosis.
3.      Prevent galactophore cancer and prolong the menses period for another 5days. More important is that the first half period (follicular period) prolongs, but the last half period (luteal period) reduces. The galactophore cell division is rapid during the luteal period but that may stimulate the potential tumor growth. Meanwhile, it can also restrain the intestine turgescence and liver cancer.
4.      Prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. The lecithin in soybean is an emulsification which can prevent the aggradations of cholesterol in the cell’s inner wall, eliminate the aggradated materials, blood viscosity, accelerate the blood circulation and has an important effort on preventing the cardiovascular diseases.
Green world Soy Power
5.      Accelerate the brain activities, strong memory, nourish the brain and intelligence gain, prevent senile dementia ,retard aging.
6.      Make the skin bright, elastic and fine.
SOY POWER : Prevent The Decline of Ovary’s Function .
Characteristics and benefits:
The ingredient of this product is extracted from soybeans and is a natural alternative for artificial female hormones. This product support optimal health, age retardation, keeps the skin soft, moist and radiant, prevents female osteoporosis and alleviates menopausal symptom. 
The product has no complications and appropriate for long-term use.
234-7037533426, 234-8084260174
Nationwide delivery available in all states in Nigeria.

Fertility Enhancement/Male Performance / Relieve Ejaculation / vigpower capsule

Green World Vigpower Capsule For Men

Vigpower Capsule
 The Vigpower Capsule: 
 Ingredient: Semen Cuscutae, Fructus Lycii, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Radiz Rehmanniae Preparata, Cortex Moutan

 Key Knowledge of the content

 Semen Cuscutae : The main effect  is to replenish the kidney essence and support healthy sexual and reproductive functioning.
Fructus Lycii : Its main function is to energize the body, so that a person can get enough power for se**ual activities. Fructus lycii prolong the time of ejaculation and improve satisfaction to both the partners.
Rhizoma Dioscoreae: the bioactive constituents of Rhizoma Dioscoreae include 18 amino acids and over 10 trace elements and improve vitality and sense of well-being in men.

Radiz Rehmanniae Preparata: improves fatigue resistance and enhances kidney function when it interacts with other ma*le enhance*rs. It is
beneficial for spermatorrhea and premature ejaculation, which are common problems in men
Cortex Moutan: improves microcirculation and dissipates blood stasis thus improves the blood circulation into cavernous body of pen*s.

Characteristics and Benefits

1.    Green World Vigpower conserves the vital power and strengthens the sexual ability through replenishing kidney
2.    Increase sperm count and improve motility
3.    Increase sexual desire of men, enhances the oxygen content in blood which helps in penis erection for normal sexual performance
4.   Green World Vigpower helps with s*xual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or frequent spermatorrhea.

Suitable for

•    Men intend to improve sexuality
•    Men with sexual dysfunction such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or frequent spermatorrtea.
                           FOR MORE INFORMATION, ORDER AND CONTACT.
Call Customer Care 07037533426, 08084260174 for your order
Pick-up and nationwide delivery available for all products
Green World Vigpower conserves the vital power and strengthens the sexual ability through replenishing kidney. Green World Vigpower Capsule For Men can enhance sperm quality and fertility.


Do you want to Lose Weight FAST? I can recommend Green World’s Slimming Package
1. Green World Slimming Capsule
Green world slimming product adopts a natural floral formula which helps you to lose weight safely and steadily by regulating the overall function of body. This productcontains no hormone and has no complication.
2. Green world Chitosan Capsule
Chitosan is call ”the sixth element of life”. Itcan improve somnolence, relax the bowels, nourish the Intestine, adsorb heavymetal ion, remove the metabolism rubbish and oxygen toxin in the blood vessel, restrain the absorption of glucose in the blood, improve the utilization of trypsin, decrease the blood fat and blood sugar, prevent the artery ossification, high blood fat and diabetes. Chitosan has the following functions: consolidate the immunity, retard aging, prevent the disease, promote the recovery of diseases and regulate physiological functions of human body It also:
1. Reduce blood fat  2. Reduce blood Sugar 3. Strengthen the function of liver4. Relieve back pain 5. Help In Losing Weight.

3. Green World Meal Cellulose / Lecithin Softgel
Meal cellulose plays an important role in maintaining the function of human body. After a deep research, the nutritionist affirmed the health care function of the meal cellulose and name it as ”the seventh nutriment”. Meal cellulose has the following functions:
1    . Improve the function of intestine, nourishes the intestine and helps excrement
2     . Its reduces the blood sugar in the body thereby prevents diabetes
3     . Its reduces blood fat, prevent cardio-cerebral-vascular diseases, reduces the incidence of coronary heart disease and cerebral disease.
4    . Dilutes carcinogen, decreases the density of carcinogen and minimizes the duration of toxic substance in the intestine, helps to prevent the occurrence of colon cancer and rectum cancer.
5    . Prevents from absorbing too much heat energy. Meal cellulose doesn’t contain sugar or calorie but it swells after absorbing water and can swathes fat within food, discharge it through excrement; finally reducing the digestion and absorption of fat.
6    . Accelerate the growth of wholesome bacteria in the intestine.
7    . Eliminates toxin in the body, nourishes the face and skin.
8    . Establishes a well- balanced excrement habit.  

Green World Pro-slim Tea
Pro-slim Tea
can accelerate the aerobics decomposition of fat, eliminate sediment of fat, help metabolize fat sediment in the body, transform the fat into dissociate fat and finally dispel the fat solvent out of the body, regulate and decrease the fat level in the blood, reduce the excess energy, dissolve the harmful substance, meanwhile help release the defecation, discharge the toxin out of the body, reduce the absorption of toxin in the intestine, speed up the intestine microcirculatory system, improve the body resistance to diseases.
Pro-slim Tea also takes sour orange plant as its main composition.
These natural plant are rich in several kinds of stringy substances that can transform the fat molecule in the body, then form a gauze screen to absorb fat, control the body’s absorption and usage of fat, finally discharge the fat efficiently out of body and stop the fat absorption.
- It suppress the absorption of fat in the intestine.

2. Green World Intestine Cleansing
Green World’s Intestine Cleansing Tea can
moisten intestinal wall, soften those dry and hard old excreta, alleviate the condition of intestinal motility disorders, thoroughly clean the folds of intestinal tract, heal intestinal mucosal injury, restore intestinal function. In this way, it makes old excreta no longer adhere to intestinal wall and be excluded smoothly with defecation. On one hand, Intestine Cleansing Tea can discharge the toxin out of the body; on the other hand, it can provide nutrition to the body and maintain the physical health of the body. Long-term consumption of Intestine Cleansing Tea will not lead to toxin or any other side effects.
- It preserve youthful look by removing toxins
- It eliminates unpleasant breath
- It cleanses the bowel.
3. Lipid Care Tea : this is for those with High BP, who are desiring to shape up. the tea will work along with the slimming products.

 NOTE: Three  (3) out of the options above at a time will do a good job.
For more information and purchase order contact:  08084260174/07037533426.
Delivery to offices and homes available . Delivery available to all states in Nigeria.
Green World Slimming Package is a great way to start